2. Account and app issues

e. Ratings and acceptance rates
i. Understanding ratings

You can see your current rating in your Driver app by following the steps below:

1. Tap the [Account] on the top right.
2. Tap [Achievement].
3. Tap the [Rating].


Our goal is for the BoBo experience to be safe and enjoyable for everyone. Our dual rating system allows riders and drivers to rate each other. Riders can rate their trip experience from 1 to 5 stars and have the option to provide specific feedback from a list of common issues. Riders are asked to rate every trip before they can request again. If a trip is canceled, riders will be unable to rate the trip.


Your overall star rating is an average of the 500 most recent star ratings you've received from riders. If a rider rates a trip less than 5 stars and selects a trip issue that is unrelated to your performance (i.e. Too many pickups, Price, BoBo app), the trip will not count toward your overall rating.

Please note that no action is required in requesting the removal of individual ratings, as ratings will be automatically removed when applicable. In order to ensure a consistent and reliable experience, we are unable to remove individual trip ratings on request.

When you're a new driver, you start with a perfect rating of 5 stars. Your overall rating may change frequently until you have received ratings on 100 or more trips as there will be fewer ratings to average together. As your number of rated trips grows, individual ratings have less impact on your overall rating.

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Contact Information

BoBo Room
Science Park Hong Kong

We're Available 10:00am - 6pm. Take a Ride Now. (852) 1234 5678 (852) 2468 1357
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